Femmeisode 33: Fluidity & Finsexuality

Up this week: Issue No. 6: Fluidity & Finsexuality of our Sexuality A-Z Series.

Join us as Birdie and Marie talk about the new (to us) identity of "finsexual" and its Tumblr origins, as well as the topic of Fluidity, as it relates to sexuality! Birdie also takes us on a journey through this one of THREE lunar eclipses, the first happening on November 19th. We also talk about supporting Denton's library system in their fight to bring a trans reading day to our community in the face of bigots, transphobes, and the like. Everybody hold tight, take a breath, write a letter, and dive in with us.

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Thank you to Stoke Coworking for helping make What The Femme!? Podcast possible.

This IS A Big Stink Production ©

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