Posts tagged Community
ReRelease: Episode 58 with Danika Dobson, Flesh & Flora Photography

Happy Holidays friends! Enjoy this re-stream with our past guest, Danika Dobson of Flesh & Flora Photography! Danika recently celebrated their birthday this week, and we couldn't think of a better person to celebrate by revisiting our convo with them on the show. Tune in for a stint of body positivity, self-love, our adorations of nature, and more.

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The Sexisode Re-Release with Ari Antwine

This week, we're revisiting our conversation with Ari Antwine, owner of Sensuelle Arts & Media. A certified sex coach, podcaster and overall marketing aficonado, we sat down with Ari to talk about their new ventures, the ins and outs and woes of queer sexuality and dating, and much more. A great revisit!

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Deck The Halls With ASEXUALITY: A Re-Stream

Happy Holigaze Folks!
This week's re-stream of our vacation time calls back to the beginning of our Sexuality Series, the Asexuality Episode! Enjoy this jaunt down memory lane and learn along with us (again, for some of you) about what it means to be asexual.

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Femmeisode 33: Fluidity & Finsexuality

Join us as Birdie and Marie talk about the new (to us) identity of "finsexual" and its Tumblr origins, as well as the topic of Fluidity, as it relates to sexuality! Birdie also takes us on a journey through this one of THREE lunar eclipses, the first happening on November 19th. We also talk about supporting Denton's library system in their fight to bring a trans reading day to our community in the face of bigots, transphobes, and the like. Everybody hold tight, take a breath, write a letter, and dive in with us.

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Interview 74: Sidrah Khan, L.P.C. Associate and BAKER EXTRAORDINAIRE!

This week, Marie and Birdie sit down with Sidrah Khan, LPC, baker, Twitch streamer, and creative pal! In this episode, we chat about Sidrah's background as a therapist and mental health provider, her deep and loving connection with food, family, and her community, as well as her many creative outlets that better help them express their truest self! A really heartwarming and engaging conversation. Tune in and join us!

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Spoopy ReRelease: May May Graves

This week, while we're toiling over our bubbling cauldrons, we thought it'd be the perfect time to re-share this delicious interview with the one and only, Dallas' very own spoopy scream queen, May May Graves! Join us for this throwback episode from the before times and learn more about how this queen is truly one of the baddest of them all.

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Femmeisode 32: Erogenous Zones

This week, Birdie and Marie sit down to talk about the wonderful world of the erogenous zones! It's getting steamy over here y'all! Don't miss out as we talk about just what *is* an erogenous zone? How to stimulate it, and how we can learn to heal from our trauma by connecting to these areas with ourselves and our partners.

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Episode 73: A PromoSode 4 Rockers 4 Knockers with Beth A Lishus

This week features a short and sweet one with the one and only Beth A Lishus of LoveSick Mary, founder of Rockers 4 Knockers! Tune in to learn more about the awesome show happening TOMORROW 10/15/2021 at Rubber Gloves Rehearsal Studios in Denton, Texas!

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Episode 72: Deja DuBois

This week, Marie and Birdie sit down with the danciest girl from The Valley, the one and only Deja DuBois! Join us as we chat with one of DFW's premiere drag artists. In this episode we talk about their early beginnings, how they got involved with drag, as well as their other creative talents such as being an opera singer, a theatre aficionado, and of course, we learn what "femme" means to them.

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Femmeisode 31: Demisexuality

Our sexuality series is BACK this week with “D” for Demisexuality! Tune in as Birdie and Marie discuss this subcategory under Asexuality and how it branches from its roots, as well as hear from individuals who actively identify as Demisexual. Dive in, y’all!

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Relaxed Fit: It's Marie's Birthdaysode!

This week, Birdie and Marie sit down for a relaxed fit episode in celebration of Marie's birthday! We chat celebratory shenanigans, share childhood memories, Star Wars canon and its relation to Frank Herbert's Dune, and of course, much terrible SINGING. Plus, Birdie gives us a run-down on what's going on in the stars and planets right now.

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Media Psyched with Dr. Aiden Hirshfield

This week, Marie is Media Psyched with Dr. Aiden Hirshfield, Media Psychologist, and podcaster, who is launching their very own pod called "Media Pysched" later this month. Tune in for the full rundown as Aiden and Marie gab about his background, professional experience, and what Media Psychology even *is.* A solid listen!

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Episode 71: Dyking Out with Carolyn Bergier & Melody Kamali

This week, Birdie and Marie sit down with the co-hosts of NYC-based Dyking Out Podcast, Carolyn Bergier, and Melody Kamali! In this episode, we talk about the queer comedy scene, podcasting and shows in a post-COVID society, and of course, the ways in which we finagle feeling "femme." A must-listen!

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