Our sexuality series is BACK this week with “D” for Demisexuality! Tune in as Birdie and Marie discuss this subcategory under Asexuality and how it branches from its roots, as well as hear from individuals who actively identify as Demisexual. Dive in, y’all!
Read MoreThis week, Marie is Media Psyched with Dr. Aiden Hirshfield, Media Psychologist, and podcaster, who is launching their very own pod called "Media Pysched" later this month. Tune in for the full rundown as Aiden and Marie gab about his background, professional experience, and what Media Psychology even *is.* A solid listen!
Read MoreIt's a Queer Creatives on Rise replay with Houston's finest, the Space Kiddettes! Join Marie for an awesome episode discussing The Space Kiddettes and their music, how they came to craft together and of course, their experience on Rise Market!
Read MoreThis week, we celebrate Birdie's birthday! It's a relaxed fun fit y'all. We answer questions, talk about nows and thens, and celebrate our Virgo queen!
Read MoreThis week, Marie and Birdie sit down to discuss the practice and misconceptions behind Celibacy. We dismantle historical origins and our own preconceived notions behind celibacy, differentiate celibacy from abstinence and asexuality, as well as share testimonies from present-day celibate humans.
Read MoreThis week, Birdie and Marie sit down with the co-hosts of NYC-based Dyking Out Podcast, Carolyn Bergier, and Melody Kamali! In this episode, we talk about the queer comedy scene, podcasting and shows in a post-COVID society, and of course, the ways in which we finagle feeling "femme." A must-listen!
Read MoreThis week, we sat down with our very own sweet baby angel, Juniper St. Butcher! We talk about his art, work in the freelance industry, their photography and *a lot* about resin safety! Tune in, y'all!
Read MoreIt's here it's here! Join us for this week's Sexuality A-Z Femmeisode on BISEXUALITY! We also are joined by Kitzia Moreno, Therapist and Assessment Administrator at The Gracious Mind, who shares some self-care tips and tricks around identity and coming out! An epic episode indeed. Enjoy!
Read MoreThis week, we are kicking off our Sexuality from A-Z series, starting with Asexuality! We're so excited to cover the different sexual orientations that exist in our queer world and the beautiful people we find along the way. Happy Listening!
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