Queer Creatives on Rise Replay: Boi PKG
Here it is y'all! Our replay of the interview with BoiPKG on Queer Creatives on Rise, as appeared on our Twitch channel. Enjoy!
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Thanks to Salted Sanctuary Soap for sponsoring What the Femme!? Podcast! Use code "WTFEMME" at checkout to receive 10% off your order now through July 31st, 2021 when you shop at saltedsanctuarysoap.com!
Thank you to Rise Market for making What The Femme!? Podcast possible. Support their LGBTQIA+ & BIPOC-centered market and the vendors therein.
Thank you to Stoke Coworking for helping make What The Femme!? Podcast possible.
This IS A Big Stink Production ©